Friday, November 6, 2009

Heavy Machinery + Beer = Hell yes we did.

Brandon, the owner of the Blue Barnhouse, brought the beer. I'd Vandercooked a thousand prints already, it was dark, and I was starving, but I agreed to stay. We shifted that monster C&P, just the two of us. Cranked up the jack, put rollers under 'er, and moved two thousand pounds of steel through several doors, around a paper cutter, and into the back. Dented some shit. Drank some more beer. Then tried out the NEW COLOSSAL PAPERCUTTER OF SUPREME DOOM. This is a machine that would sever your arm like a kid pinching off an ant's head. And let me tell you: it slices that paper smooth. Chopped another couple thousand sheets. And that is how we roll at the BBH.


  1. a worthwhile hangover, i'm sure.
    I want to roll too!

  2. Man, I have never dreampt how exciting a paper cutter could be...

  3. Sarah, the manager of Blue Barnhouse, was floored by how precise and clean those 1000 prints came out. She was admiring one and was like "WHO PRINTED THIS?!?!"

  4. Really? Oo I feel so warm and glowing inside. If I have Sarah's approval, what more do I need? I was getting all worked up over them because the color shifted so much.
