Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Brahman Delegation

My contribution to BBH's collection at the New York show.
I've been all about the chipboard lately.

Puck Fix

You know what? I might as well get a tattoo of Puck, if I were to get one, that is. That little jerk really buried himself in my heart.
This was going to be a card, too. I might still print it. It's my favorite.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Affordable Dental Solution

If I sit with my mouth open, flies attracted by the odor of rot will lay eggs in my teeth, and when the maggots hatch, they will nibble out my cavities painlessly with their tiny mandibles, and when they are done, I will shut my mouth and swallow, seeing as how they are made entirely of my own teeth, and seeing as how I don't like flies.